Characteristics of a Church

The essence of what constitutes a church has long been a subject of contemplation and spiritual discourse. The Bible itself does not explicitly define what a ‘church’ is, but it does not prescribe a set of rules or provide a script to follow. So, what are the defining characteristics that distinguish a church from any other gathering or community? By focusing on the early believers, we can identify seven characteristics that every church must possess to be, well, a church.


The church begins with gathering – not just in physical presence but in spirit and purpose. Hebrews 10:25 emphasizes the need to “not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another.” This gathering is a dynamic expression of faith. This is where each member contributes to and draws strength from the collective body of believers.

Teaching and Learning

A pivotal role of the church is the devotion to teaching and learning. This can be seen in Acts 2:42, where the early believers were “devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching.” This goes beyond mere knowledge acquisition; it’s about a transformative process that shapes lives and fosters a deeper understanding of God’s word.


Praise is an integral aspect of church life, offering dedicated moments to focus our hearts and minds on God. Romans 12:1 calls us to offer our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is true and proper worship. Praise in a church setting can manifest through songs, prayers, and other forms of worship. Each of these is a reflection of our gratitude and adoration for God.


Prayer is the lifeline of a church, a way to communicate and connect with God both individually and collectively. It’s a practice that nurtures the soul and binds the community in spiritual solidarity.


The act of giving, as exemplified by the Macedonian churches in 2 Corinthians 8:2-5, is a testament to the church’s spirit of generosity and selflessness. This characteristic extends beyond monetary contributions, encompassing a willingness to share time, resources, and talents.

Daily Mission

A church is always on a mission, as instructed in Matthew 28:19-20, to make disciples of all nations. This mission is about living out the teachings of Jesus daily and sharing the message of salvation with the world.


Finally, the concept of multiplication, inherent in the Great Commission, drives the church to expand and spread its reach, much like the early church in Acts. This growth is not just in numbers but in spiritual depth and community impact.

In embracing these seven characteristics, our journey as a church transforms into an active expression of faith. Let’s gather with intent, delve into teachings, and uplift through praise. Our prayers, giving, and daily missions should reflect a vibrant connection with God and each other. As we strive for multiplication, let’s be bold, expanding our impact and embodying the essence of our journey in Christ with renewed purpose and vitality.

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